V-Clinic; Vertical Veteran Victory, an idea that Should happen!
Given the new world order of social separation, and need for communal aquatic therapy; A new concept for healing in a professionally operated clinical environment of individual pools, patients are separate yet communal. The vision is to work with, and participate in, the healing of groups of veterans, life-long afflicted, elderly, physically challenged.
Given the new world order of social separation, and need for communal aquatic therapy; A new concept for healing in a professionally operated clinical environment of individual pools, patients are separate yet communal. The vision is to work with, and participate in, the healing of groups of veterans, life-long afflicted, elderly, physically challenged.
The objective of V-Clinic; to assist in improving upon the methods and manners by which America receives and treats her wounded and disabled. The most formidable military force in the world, and all citizens in need, deserve a commensurate, comprehensive recovery, reintegration program focused on body, mind, and spirit. Addressing the needs of casualties is imperative and will continue to be a challenge and a necessity! V-clinic would address and support veterans as well as others in the community from the physically challenged to the physically fit.
One possible DME device to be employed in this clinic was inspired by the anticipated need of these veterans, and other trauma victims, who want to heal in a heated, filtered, aquatic device privately and conveniently at home with family.
Herein is an idea to apply this pool in a more interactive setting. Whether by creation or evolution (both?) we humans benefit getting vertical each day, particularly when exercising, for healthy organ function, circulation, respiration, spinal alignment.
Renderings above and below represent an installation in an existing building on top of a slab with raised deck, and ramps for access/egress. If a property owner allows the lower tub footwell holes to be cut into the floor, so much the better, and a raised deck would not be required.
The above rendering illustrates the initial overview for discussion purposes. There would be a concentric circling ramp to the center podium for access by wheelchairs, not the straight-up ramp shown. The TV's overhead would provide instruction and information visuals for patients as the therapists/instructors/doctors work with multiple users.
V Clinic Salient Points
- Separate yet communal; 12 pools in a circle, facing a raised center podium.
- Raised center podium to revolve slowly so speaker can address all parties face-on.
- Patients in exclusive bodies of water, not sharing medical histories as in a common pool
- ADA compliant bathrooms (one per pool?) and two additional restrooms for public use.
- Overhead TV’s for presentations, programs, power points, and visuals.
- Reduced noise atmosphere (important for those with PTSD); speakers at each pool - volume control for hard-of-hearing.
- Sliding curtains between pools for privacy when desired.
- Hoyer lifts (or similar) for access/egress.
- Therapist or family participation assistance-capability from the outside perimeter of pool.
- Can construct clinic in existing building (minimum 100’ square room).
- Ad banners around perimeter of room for additional support income.
- Affiliated with VA or a university?
- Target groups; Veterans
Elderly, physically challenged
Life-long afflicted; MS, MDA, ALS, CP, CF, etc.
Pre and postnatal
At the podium a PT, Dr., coach, directs workouts for groups of individuals, each immersed in his/her own body of water. Sessions are held for those with common afflictions or physical restrictions for supportive interaction (i.e. Tue 10 am- leg amputees, Wed 2 pm- spinal cord injury, Fri 4 pm- children with cystic fibrosis). Weekly time slots for specific ailments or limitations could attract specialists in education and advice for patients, and their family members, encompassing all levels of healing from physical to mental to nutritional, even spiritual. Families coming together, networking, and learning together sharing experiences and information.
The Vertical Pool was designed to the height, length, and reach of the body human which translates to “efficient in energy, water, and space”. 5’ 4” water depth unoccupied (allow 1” rise of water level per 150 lbs. body mass) for vertical applications. Adjustable-height floor for different statures and uses. 8’ 10” water length end to end for horizontal applications Hoyer lift compatible for access/egress. The Swimhorse is a support frame for horizontal applications. Full range swim movements in slow motion for folks not strong enough to swim alone. Hands-on assistance capability from outside perimeter of pool. Fixed overhead and movable underwater exercise bars. Molded and insulated hard plastic parts strong enough to stand on. Hillside and irregular terrain installation. Seats (2 - one either side at entry end) for seated applications.

A critical virtue of this DME device is the "verticality". These pools allow patients, who are otherwise not able to stand or move easily in an upright position, to get vertical for proper alignment of spine and internal organs while exercising and recovering. The pool design virtues include adequate area for exercises vertically with the aid of support bars overhead and underwater, enough length to swim in place horizontally, and 2 seats in the stern for rest or additional movements in that position.
This modular-parts pool, with vinyl liner (see Note below), can be installed inside or out, upstairs or down, even in garages or on irregular terrain. Back yards, side yards, gardens need not be level!
Note; a one-piece version of this pool design is a possibility if the city or state requires such, or won't allow a pool with a liner. The cost, however, would be considerably more to fabricate and far more cumbersome to install or remove.
This modular-parts pool, with vinyl liner (see Note below), can be installed inside or out, upstairs or down, even in garages or on irregular terrain. Back yards, side yards, gardens need not be level!
Note; a one-piece version of this pool design is a possibility if the city or state requires such, or won't allow a pool with a liner. The cost, however, would be considerably more to fabricate and far more cumbersome to install or remove.

An important aspect about this clinic idea is the comparative ease with which it can be constructed in an existing building, in a large room (90' x 90' minimum) or warehouse type setting. A 3' high deck (in which the pools are mounted; the result being 3' down to sit on the slab for the lower foot-well tub and 3' above the deck for the upper pool body) can be built with appropriate ramps at very low grade for wheelchairs to access. These pools could also be installed at grade, in slab cut-outs, but that is less likely to be allowed by a landlord or building owner. The ADA bathrooms, 3 per 30' skid trailered in, would be the larger expense in this scenario. At any time the pools (and the deck) could be dismantled and relocated for use elsewhere, including the bathroom skids.
An adjustable volume microphone/speaker system (head set at the podium and small speakers at each pool) for instruction and music reduces stressful noise levels (typically excessive at indoor pools) and allows a more soothing environment (most important for those with PTSD). Peaceful background music can be employed when no one is speaking or instructing. Waterproof wireless earphones could be used for water yoga on The Swimhorse.
Rehabilitation for physical injury is not the only target here. All aspects of all injured must be considered, i.e., those with PTSD must engage physically if they hope to heal psychologically.
Access railings, overhead pull-up bars, underwater exercise bars, and treadmills enable many options for safe movements. For those who need assistance getting in and out of a pool from a wheel chair there are Hoyer lifts on site. Each patient can be assisted from the outside perimeter of the pool so aides, assistants, parents are not subjected to any possible water quality issues. Incontinent folks would be able to get aquatic exercise as many are not allowed in the "big" pools. The water quality would be checked after each use and a complete filter cycle to purify, or drain and refill in an extreme situation. (Probably an “end of the day” program to allow overnight sanitation)
An adjustable volume microphone/speaker system (head set at the podium and small speakers at each pool) for instruction and music reduces stressful noise levels (typically excessive at indoor pools) and allows a more soothing environment (most important for those with PTSD). Peaceful background music can be employed when no one is speaking or instructing. Waterproof wireless earphones could be used for water yoga on The Swimhorse.
Rehabilitation for physical injury is not the only target here. All aspects of all injured must be considered, i.e., those with PTSD must engage physically if they hope to heal psychologically.
Access railings, overhead pull-up bars, underwater exercise bars, and treadmills enable many options for safe movements. For those who need assistance getting in and out of a pool from a wheel chair there are Hoyer lifts on site. Each patient can be assisted from the outside perimeter of the pool so aides, assistants, parents are not subjected to any possible water quality issues. Incontinent folks would be able to get aquatic exercise as many are not allowed in the "big" pools. The water quality would be checked after each use and a complete filter cycle to purify, or drain and refill in an extreme situation. (Probably an “end of the day” program to allow overnight sanitation)
Here's Another Consideration;
Adopt a worthy vision/mission/product self-employment opportunity.
No capital investment required.
The comments in the overview below are not a vision in stone. They are meant for discussion and thoughtful processing. Every person, and/or collective, will have their own idea on how to develop a company profile. Hopefully, this synopsis will help guide any person or group to an end result that is satisfactory and productive.
Imagine; a collective of vets/women/others forming a new company profile around an existing product/mission. The Vertical Pool LLC (which is being Given to us, no capital required) can improve the quality of life for many. We are being handed an opportunity to shape our own work life around a self-employment profile that works for us. The vision is to help heal wounded, disabled, elderly with an aquatic therapy device and the mission includes an effort to donate these DME devices to those in need;
Preliminary outline of intent for The Vertical Pool LLC
1 - Recovery options for veterans, and resulting depression/suicide statistics, are unacceptable!
2 - America must do more for those who have served and been placed in harm’s way.
3 - All tasks required to build, deliver, install, teach these DME devices can be handled by women.
4 - The new collective could create their own company profile that works for them.
5 - The Vertical Pool, which can be sold, rented, or donated, has unique merits and virtues.
6 - One person alone cannot carry the load of this product/vision and non-profit/mission.
1 - This healing pool was inspired by the anticipated need of the returning wounded, and veterans of all past conflicts, as well as any and all physically challenged, who have limited options for recovery, healing, and hygiene. Even when a patient is near an aquatic facility, it can be a challenge to get there and back without assistance. A heated pool at home enables convenient daily immersions, with family, for rehabilitation, recovery, therapy in vertical, horizontal, and seated positions. Soaking in sanitized warm water daily could reduce hygienic issues for those who have difficulty accessing a shower or bath. It may mean the difference between the positive of pain relief-exercise-wellbeing and the negative of frustration-depression-stagnation. Healing pools should be available to every veteran without convoluted forms and wait times. Simply a doctor’s prescription should make one eligible for immediate consideration.
2 - Women can handle every aspect of this product/vision and non-profit mission. None of the modular components comprising this DME pool is too cumbersome for 2 women to assemble, carry, load, offload, or install. Onsite assembly takes less than 6 hours. This pool is essentially an interlocking erector set. Professional supervision and mentorship will guide this new collective to own, build, market, sell, deliver, install, instruct use of the pool, and case-manage, fund-raise, donate pools under vetpools.org (presently in neutral due to Covid). Each participant should have a specific one-on-one mentor for the first 6 months to year for advice, consultation, and support.
3 - This new collective will design a business profile based on their own personal needs. They do not need money to get involved, just desire, ambition, and the passion to help others, for a career in healing, therapy, and well-being. Different branches of the company could be “owned” by different individuals who would then have exclusive rights to perform that branch function. This might allow for grants and funding separately, which could then be pooled for the benefit of all. Men veterans could also be part of the work force while it may be their wives who technically “own” a part of the collective.
If the group does succeed in obtaining funds through grants as a women-owned, veteran-owned, minority-owned, disabled-owned business, that money could be deposited for reserve and development of the overall mission. Keep it debt-free as long as possible. It is most important, for purposes of incentive and pride, that these women’s, or veteran's, groups are owners, not employees.
The separate branches or wings that might be considered for exclusive ownership;
A - Manufacture of rotationally molded parts and foaming
B - Marketing/sales/advertising/computer
C - Accounting/books/taxes/payroll
D - Fabrication of manifolds
E - Liners (cut patterns and weld)
F - Stainless steel bars/rails/straps
G - The Swimhorse (a product that works in Any pool)
H - Delivery/installation
I - Physical therapist visiting all locations “teaching” the device
5 - Merits and virtues Unique to The Vertical Pool;
This healing pool is a recovery rehabilitation therapy pool (88-92 deg.), not a spa or hot tub.
A - Designed to the height, length, and reach of the body human which translates to
efficiency in energy, water, and space.
B - 5’ 4” deep water (unoccupied) for vertical exercise. Water level rises about 1’ for each 150
pounds of body mass.
C - Adjustable-height floor for different statures and uses.
D - 8’ 10” water length end to end for horizontal applications.
E - The Swimhorse support frame for horizontal applications. Full range swim movements
(even in slow motion) for folks not strong enough to safely stay afloat.
F - Hoyer lift compatiblity for access/egress.
G - Hands-on assistance capability from outside perimeter of pool.
H - Fixed overhead and movable underwater exercise bars.
I - Comprised of rotationally molded, foam insulated, double wall hard plastic parts strong
enough to sit or stand on.
J - Hillside and irregular terrain installation.
K - Entire pool, dismantled, fits into the bed of one pickup for transport.
- Common to TVP and other modular/kit pools;
A - Seats (2 - one either side at entry end) for seated applications
B - Insulated cover.
C - Can be installed indoors or out, lower level, garage.
D - Can be removed, reinstalled, sold, re-homed elsewhere.
E - Earth tremor resistant.
6 - One person cannot fulfill this objective alone. The R&D, pool product, molds, and tooling are all paid for in full, no debt or encumbrances. The present owner will remain mentor/teacher/guide indefinitely while others slip into positions of responsibility and ownership. He will receive some compensation over time if all is successful with a small percentage of sold/rented/donated pools after installation is complete and paid. He will continue to participate hands-on and on-site long term until the collective is comfortable and competent.
Presently the plastic parts are molded in CA, but could be built in any city where there is a rotational molding company. Various parts and components could be assembled in different locations of the country. This “on-demand” pool can be manufactured as needed without excessive, costly inventory and/or storage space. This product is not advertised because one person cannot build, deliver, and install more than 5 pools in two to three months.
Adopt a worthy vision/mission/product self-employment opportunity.
No capital investment required.
The comments in the overview below are not a vision in stone. They are meant for discussion and thoughtful processing. Every person, and/or collective, will have their own idea on how to develop a company profile. Hopefully, this synopsis will help guide any person or group to an end result that is satisfactory and productive.
Imagine; a collective of vets/women/others forming a new company profile around an existing product/mission. The Vertical Pool LLC (which is being Given to us, no capital required) can improve the quality of life for many. We are being handed an opportunity to shape our own work life around a self-employment profile that works for us. The vision is to help heal wounded, disabled, elderly with an aquatic therapy device and the mission includes an effort to donate these DME devices to those in need;
Preliminary outline of intent for The Vertical Pool LLC
1 - Recovery options for veterans, and resulting depression/suicide statistics, are unacceptable!
2 - America must do more for those who have served and been placed in harm’s way.
3 - All tasks required to build, deliver, install, teach these DME devices can be handled by women.
4 - The new collective could create their own company profile that works for them.
5 - The Vertical Pool, which can be sold, rented, or donated, has unique merits and virtues.
6 - One person alone cannot carry the load of this product/vision and non-profit/mission.
1 - This healing pool was inspired by the anticipated need of the returning wounded, and veterans of all past conflicts, as well as any and all physically challenged, who have limited options for recovery, healing, and hygiene. Even when a patient is near an aquatic facility, it can be a challenge to get there and back without assistance. A heated pool at home enables convenient daily immersions, with family, for rehabilitation, recovery, therapy in vertical, horizontal, and seated positions. Soaking in sanitized warm water daily could reduce hygienic issues for those who have difficulty accessing a shower or bath. It may mean the difference between the positive of pain relief-exercise-wellbeing and the negative of frustration-depression-stagnation. Healing pools should be available to every veteran without convoluted forms and wait times. Simply a doctor’s prescription should make one eligible for immediate consideration.
2 - Women can handle every aspect of this product/vision and non-profit mission. None of the modular components comprising this DME pool is too cumbersome for 2 women to assemble, carry, load, offload, or install. Onsite assembly takes less than 6 hours. This pool is essentially an interlocking erector set. Professional supervision and mentorship will guide this new collective to own, build, market, sell, deliver, install, instruct use of the pool, and case-manage, fund-raise, donate pools under vetpools.org (presently in neutral due to Covid). Each participant should have a specific one-on-one mentor for the first 6 months to year for advice, consultation, and support.
3 - This new collective will design a business profile based on their own personal needs. They do not need money to get involved, just desire, ambition, and the passion to help others, for a career in healing, therapy, and well-being. Different branches of the company could be “owned” by different individuals who would then have exclusive rights to perform that branch function. This might allow for grants and funding separately, which could then be pooled for the benefit of all. Men veterans could also be part of the work force while it may be their wives who technically “own” a part of the collective.
If the group does succeed in obtaining funds through grants as a women-owned, veteran-owned, minority-owned, disabled-owned business, that money could be deposited for reserve and development of the overall mission. Keep it debt-free as long as possible. It is most important, for purposes of incentive and pride, that these women’s, or veteran's, groups are owners, not employees.
The separate branches or wings that might be considered for exclusive ownership;
A - Manufacture of rotationally molded parts and foaming
B - Marketing/sales/advertising/computer
C - Accounting/books/taxes/payroll
D - Fabrication of manifolds
E - Liners (cut patterns and weld)
F - Stainless steel bars/rails/straps
G - The Swimhorse (a product that works in Any pool)
H - Delivery/installation
I - Physical therapist visiting all locations “teaching” the device
5 - Merits and virtues Unique to The Vertical Pool;
This healing pool is a recovery rehabilitation therapy pool (88-92 deg.), not a spa or hot tub.
A - Designed to the height, length, and reach of the body human which translates to
efficiency in energy, water, and space.
B - 5’ 4” deep water (unoccupied) for vertical exercise. Water level rises about 1’ for each 150
pounds of body mass.
C - Adjustable-height floor for different statures and uses.
D - 8’ 10” water length end to end for horizontal applications.
E - The Swimhorse support frame for horizontal applications. Full range swim movements
(even in slow motion) for folks not strong enough to safely stay afloat.
F - Hoyer lift compatiblity for access/egress.
G - Hands-on assistance capability from outside perimeter of pool.
H - Fixed overhead and movable underwater exercise bars.
I - Comprised of rotationally molded, foam insulated, double wall hard plastic parts strong
enough to sit or stand on.
J - Hillside and irregular terrain installation.
K - Entire pool, dismantled, fits into the bed of one pickup for transport.
- Common to TVP and other modular/kit pools;
A - Seats (2 - one either side at entry end) for seated applications
B - Insulated cover.
C - Can be installed indoors or out, lower level, garage.
D - Can be removed, reinstalled, sold, re-homed elsewhere.
E - Earth tremor resistant.
6 - One person cannot fulfill this objective alone. The R&D, pool product, molds, and tooling are all paid for in full, no debt or encumbrances. The present owner will remain mentor/teacher/guide indefinitely while others slip into positions of responsibility and ownership. He will receive some compensation over time if all is successful with a small percentage of sold/rented/donated pools after installation is complete and paid. He will continue to participate hands-on and on-site long term until the collective is comfortable and competent.
Presently the plastic parts are molded in CA, but could be built in any city where there is a rotational molding company. Various parts and components could be assembled in different locations of the country. This “on-demand” pool can be manufactured as needed without excessive, costly inventory and/or storage space. This product is not advertised because one person cannot build, deliver, and install more than 5 pools in two to three months.